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OFF Lodge Lane


The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) have recently announced plans for potential housing developments at 48 sites within Park. Locally, Ditchling and particularly to the east of Lodge Lane, Keymer, Hassocks.(30 houses) We feel very strongly that this plan should be opposed 

The Consultation Process runs from 20th - January to 17th March 

PLEASE VISIT by 17th March

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The Proposed SDNPA Plan

Involves the building of 30 Houses on the land shown as green in the plan below. East of Lodge Lane and North of Park View  - with access from Lodge Lane.

For the Full Proposal  - SEE BELOW

Some of the Concerns

Totally Unsuitable Road Infrastructure 
- proposed access to and from the houses will 
be from Lodge Lane (on a bend) - already a "rat run"

Totally incompatible with the concept of National Parks - the SDNP was designated to protect landscapes, biodiversity and public access to green spaces

Breaking Local Gap Rules
It is essential we continue to fight to retain strategic gaps between our Villages e.g. Keymer and Ditchling  

​​For more issues - SEE BELOW  

Who to Contact to make your thoughts known. 

Use the consultation platform to view and give feedback


Write to

Planning Policy Team,
South Downs Centre,
North Street, Midhurst,
West Sussex, GU29 9DH

Write to or email the local MP

Alison Bennett
House of Commons,
London, SW1A 0AA

or email her​​


Where specifically?
East of Lodge Lane
North East of Park Avenue
South of Beaconhurst 

Where ?  on the edge of Keymer
                      - towards Ditchling

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The Developer's Plan   - source SDNP                                                                                                   Our thoughts!


1.    Unsuitable Road Infrastructure: Lodge Lane and the surrounding rural roads are already hazardous.  Lodge Lane is used as a ‘rat run’, to Brighton and the A23, and the traffic levels are already unsustainable.
Parking on Lodge Lane, by the proposed access to the development, means that it is  given the 
N.B. The proposed entrance to the development would be on a bend!
Additional traffic in/out of the site (close to a blind bend) will make it even more dangerous for traffic and pedestrians/cyclists than Lodge Lane is already  
3.    Incompatible with National Park Protection: The SDNP was designated to protect landscapes, biodiversity, and public access to green spaces. Allowing developments on its borders sets a dangerous precedent and risks damaging the park’s ecological integrity and scenic beauty.

4.    An Unjustified Housing Need: Recent population data suggests previous housing targets were based on outdated projections meaning large-scale development may no longer be necessary. Given the development of 500+ Houses in Ockley Lane and the development in Friar's Oak. are these 30 houses actually “needed” or just a developers opportunist approach.?   

5.    In breach of local Gap Policy 
The site is next to the Keymer Conservation Area and is within the Hassocks NDP Local Gap (Policy | Local Gaps). Development would be in breach of the Local Gap Policy.

6.    Pressure on Utilities and Resources: The area lacks key infrastructure such as mains sewerage and gas, making large-scale development impractical and costly. Water supply is already under strain, with frequent hosepipe bans and declining aquifer levels, meaning further development could exacerbate these issues.
7.    Bio-diversity and Environmental Impact: The 2.3 hectare site is a haven for wildlife. Local residents have spotted many important species in/over the site in the past 12 months, such as tawny owls, red kites barn owls, buzzards, deer and bats.
In addition, the following species listed as Endangered have been observed in the site: grey partridge, grass snakes, swallows, skylarks, small tortoiseshell butterflies, chalk hill blue butterfly, large copper butterfly, and the broad/narrow bordered bee hawkmoth.

A special longer term aim
We  would like to see the site protected for future generations, as a community woodland, community orchard, community meadow, where bio-diversity is protected and enhanced, rather than built on.



Other serious considerations.

​​1.Overburdened Schools:
Local primary and secondary schools in Hassocks and the surrounding area are already at capacity, with many families struggling to secure places. Continued provision of new dwellings will either force children to travel further for education or necessitate costly school expansions. (not currently planned.)


2.Air and Light Pollution:
Increased traffic from the development will lead to higher vehicle emissions, worsening air quality in a rural area that currently benefits from clean air. The South Downs National Park (SDNP) is a designated International Dark Sky Reserve, and additional light and air pollution will degrade its unique environmental status.


3.Cumulative Development - Enough is Enough!
Hassocks, Keymer, the surrounding villages, have already seen significant development in recent years, with infrastructure struggling to keep pace. Further building on greenfield sites will erode the character of the area/contribute to urban sprawl, going against principles of sustainable development

A Message to the SDNPA
We urge them to resist the pressure from developers and to do their job in protecting the purpose of this National Park. Houses should be built on brownfield sites and not at the cost of the rare and special environment in the National Park.
Many Residents do not want this development and will fight it.

Some Pictures of the area proposed for the Development


Towards the Downs. 


Towards Lodge Lane 

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The current view from the Downs.  



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Proposed Entrance
- on a bend - into a narrow road!

     Some of the proposed houses                                                                                   And on a Flood Plain!                                                                                   

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Please let us know of your support - your email address will NOT be used in any way - thank you :)

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